Phil Spangenberger 1940-2024

All Photos Courtesy Phil Spangenberger Unless Otherwise Noted
Last September 26, 2024, True West’s beloved Firearms Editor, Phil Spangenberger, died suddenly during a heart procedure. He contributed to True West for more than two decades and we wanted to send him off with an extended memorial of his life and career.
Phil Spangenberger, a Miami native, grew up captivated by horses, history and Westerns. “I was enthralled by the real people, especially those who explored the West, rode horses, fought battles and lived early on America’s frontiers,” he recalled.
“What really captured my interest was watching Walt Disney’s Davy Crockett TV series (and the later Technicolor movie) starring Fess Parker—who, about 40 years later, I got to meet and spend time with.”
After his family moved to Los Angeles in 1957, Phil graduated high school and was drafted into the Army in 1963, serving two years with the 6th Battalion, 27th Artillery. Following his service, he bought his first horse and joined the Military Memorial Regiment, a reenactment group dedicated to preserving the drills and skills of the 1870s 7th U.S. Cavalry and the Civil War-era First North Carolina Cavalry, C.S.A.

In the 1970s, Phil began writing about historical firearms. Encouraged by mentor Garry James, he joined Guns & Ammo magazine in 1973, contributing for four decades, including 35 years as black powder editor. A co-founder of Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Phil was a CMSA Hall of Famer, demonstrating the sport’s roots with CMSA founder Jim Rodgers.
Phil was a perennial Rose Parade cast member, riding alongside his wife, Linda, in full Old West regalia, and portrayed George Washington in Laguna Beach’s renowned Pageant of the Masters. He was also a regular member of the Hole in the Wall Gang, riding with friends like Bruce Boxleitner, Martin Kove and Rob Word on grueling trips to Wyoming’s historic outlaw hideout.

As a renowned firearms expert and accomplished horseman, Phil spent over four decades bringing authenticity to Western films, television and theater. A recipient of the Golden Boot Award—Hollywood’s “Cowboy Oscar”—he is celebrated as one of “Hollywood’s Hired Guns” for elevating the realism of firearms and gunleather on screen.

His Hollywood career began with Wild West shows, leading to film work in 1979. A milestone came with The Mountain Men (1980), for which he trained Charlton Heston in muzzleloader use and ensured authentic weaponry. His dedication extended to films like The Long Riders (1980), recommending Smith & Wesson Schofield revolvers, and Quigley Down Under (1990), suggesting the iconic 1874 Sharps rifle.

As a technical advisor, Phil coached stars, including Patrick Swayze, Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger; choreographed action scenes; wrangled horses; and appeared in the films Hidalgo (2004) and Maverick (1994). On set, he enforced strict firearm safety protocols, ensuring authenticity and preventing accidents.
From crafting simulated buffalo props to consulting for History Channel documentaries, Spangenberger’s work preserves the Old West’s legacy, inspiring filmmakers and audiences with his unparalleled dedication.

True to the West
Highlights of Spangenberger’s career supplying the entertainment industry

Through the years, when Phil Spangenberger was operating his Red River Frontier Outfitters company, they made and supplied gunleather, costuming, assorted props and other services to many Western (and occasionally other genre) movies and television programs. The company brought authenticity to the screen. Here are a few of the highlights:
Unforgiven: Produced all of the gunleather for the stars of this Academy Award-winning film, except Clint Eastwood’s rig. Gunbelts and holsters made for stars Gene Hackman, Richard Harris, James (Schofield Kid) Woolvett and others.
Hidalgo: Supplied circa 1890-type gunleather, custom crafted by Jake Johnson, rawhide reatas, period spurs and other personal props for star Viggo Mortensen.
American Outlaws: Created all of the 1860s- and 1870s-type holsters for star Colin Farrell’s Jesse James, the James-Younger Gang members and other cast members.
Maverick: Supplied star Mel Gibson’s period gunbelt and Cheyenne-style holster.
Riders of the Purple Sage: Custom crafted a brace of unique, early 1870s holsters and cartridge belts for star Ed Harris.
Tombstone: Produced the gunleather worn by the Mexican Rurales in the opening church wedding massacre scenes.
Wyatt Earp: Made nearly all of the historical gunleather used in the film by Kevin Costner, Martin Kove and others. Also supplied assorted costuming and several leather prop items.
Geronimo: An American Legend: Produced leather cavalry cartridge boxes and assorted military equipment for the movie’s troopers.
Tall Tale: Created most of the gunleather used in this fantasy-Western movie, including the double gun rig used by star Patrick Swayze.
Pale Rider: Made most of the 1860s-era gunleather for star Clint Eastwood and many of the actors in this Western.
Barbarosa: Crafted and aged special gunleather for Willie Nelson, Gary Busey and other actors.
Four Eyes and Six-Guns: Created special holsters and gunbelts for star Judge Reinhold in this TNT movie.
Rambo: First Blood Part II: Supplied actor Martin Kove with special shoulder holster for his S&W Model 29, .44 Magnum revolver.
El Diablo: Created and specially aged down period gunleather for stars Louis Gossett, Jr. and Anthony Edwards.
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Made special black, 1860s-style holster for Johnny Cash.
History Channel: On such shows as the Wild West Tech series, and programs like Conquerors, Texas Rangers, Comanche Warriors, The Hunt for John Wilkes Booth, and more, Spangenberger worked in coordination with Hollywood Guns & Props, and assisted in supplying horses, reenactors and select period artifacts.
Universal Studios Tours: Custom made frontier-era costuming for Western live stunt shows at Universal Studios tour.
Movie Sound Effects: Fired live ammunition from an assortment of antique and modern weaponry for Rambo: First Blood Part II, Hoffa, Dick Tracy, The Sicilian, Geronimo: An American Legend and others.
Video Games: Assisted in firing an array of World War II pistols, rifles and full auto machine guns to be used as sound effects for the video games Medal of Honor and Allied Assault.