Ben Thompson Portrait of a Gunfighter Thomas C. Bicknell Chuck Parsons true west magazine
Ben Thompson: Portrait of a Gunfighter by Thomas C. Bicknell and Chuck Parsons. (University of North Texas Press, $34.95)

Ben Thompson, one of the most noted gunmen of the Old West, was a man famed in his own time for his prowess with a pistol. Yet only two biographies told his story, the most recent more than 60 years ago. Until now.

Thomas C. Bicknell spent decades researching Thompson’s life, and then partnered with noted historian Chuck Parsons to come up with the ultimate Thompson book. Ben Thompson: Portrait of a Gunfighter is a remarkable work—especially considering the various stories surrounding the death of Thompson and King Fisher in San Antonio in 1884. This portrait is complex, compelling and complete.

—Mark Boardman, True West’s Investigating History Columnist and Features Editor

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