Mark Lemon

Mark Lemon

Don't get me started on respected Alamo artists who pompously sit on their laurels, let their research stagnate and then come unglued after viewing...

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Lawton, Oklahoma

Lawton, Oklahoma

Fort Sill is the first place that comes to mind when I think of Lawton, Oklahoma. Especially during the month of May, which is when, in 1871, a...

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One-Legged Cowboy

One-Legged Cowboy

A nod of the head started an explosion at breakneck speed and thundering hooves. Eyes focused straight ahead, beyond the horse’s ears. With dead-on...

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Cowboy Bunkhouse

Cowboy Bunkhouse

Dee Steed was born in Wyoming’s Star Valley; he knocked around Wyoming with his cowboy father, worked cows himself and spent six years on the rodeo...

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Ghost Town King

Ghost Town King

Todd Underwood remembers standing next to his dad at an Arizona ghost town they’d discovered some 30-odd years ago and getting that marvelous...

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