Wyatt Earp, who has become controversial since his fictionalization by television, did serve in both Dodge City and Tombstone as a legally appointed...

Wyatt Earp, who has become controversial since his fictionalization by television, did serve in both Dodge City and Tombstone as a legally appointed...
Gary L. Roberts gave Western historians a monumental present with his excellent biography, Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend, published in 2006. His...
Gary L. Roberts, Doc Holliday Biographer An emeritus professor of history at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, Gary Roberts...
When Doc Holliday reached Colorado near the end of April 1882, he was certain that he was safe. He openly told reporters that he and the rest of...
Leadville, Colorado, was the last place Doc Holliday needed to be the summer of 1882—its climate was deadly for a man suffering from tuberculosis;...
The stormy relationship of Doc Holliday and Kate Elder is perhaps the most perplexing and frustrating dimension of John Henry Holliday’s tragic...