One of the great myths: Lew Wallace spent most of his time as New Mexico territorial governor writing his epic novel Ben-Hur. And as a result,...
The Talents of Thomas Fitch
Thomas Fitch was a man of many talents.He wrote for several newspapers and edited a young Mark Twain in Nevada. He was a politician, serving in the...
David Crockett
David Crockett tried to live down the reputation of his kinsman and namesake of Alamo fame. This Crockett was in a Cimarron, NM bar—very drunk—when...
Video Villa!
Mexican Revolution leader Pancho Villa knew the value of good publicity. Mutual Film Corporation knew the potential profits of silver screen war. So...
An Outlaw’s Mentor
Most Old West badmen had mentors that led them to the dark side. For famed outlaw Sam Bass (see photo), that man was Henry Underwood. A fellow...
The Botched Hanging of Bill Longley
Bill Longley, cold-blooded killer of many men, had a brutal end. On October 11, 1878 he was hanged for murder in Giddings, TX. But the executioners...
Robert Sallee James
It seems a bit strange that two of the baddest guys of the Old West were preacher’s kids. Jesse James’ father was a well-known Baptist minister in...
Tiburcio Vasquez
Tiburcio Vasquez was—and is—regarded as a freedom fighter to at least some folks. But his own people ultimately turned on the California...
Lawman Tom Carson
The stories say various things about lawman Tom Carson—mostly wrong stuff. Like that he was Kit Carson’s nephew. Wrong. That he put several...
Temple Houston
Temple Houston, lawyer son of Sam Houston, insulted opposing counsel Ed Jennings during an 1895 trial in Woodward, OK. Jennings responded in kind. ...
Henry Wheeler’s Rifle
The James-Younger Gang was trying to rob the First National Bank in Northfield, MN on September 7, 1876. As we know, they were shot to pieces—in...
Wyatt Earp in Ellsworth
August 15, 1873. Ellsworth, Kansas. Gunmen Ben and Billy Thompson get into a confrontation that leads to the death of Sheriff Chauncey B. Whitney. ...