One frontiersman, threatened with a .22 derringer, slapped it out of his assailant’s hand and said, “If anyone ever shot me with a twenty two…and I...

One frontiersman, threatened with a .22 derringer, slapped it out of his assailant’s hand and said, “If anyone ever shot me with a twenty two…and I...
Have you ever wanted to own a gun used in a Western film by one of your favorite cowboy stars…or even one packed by one of the supporting actors in...
Regardless of whether a frontiersman carried a simple pocket-sized folding knife, a skinner, a camp knife or a full-sized fighting blade, he...
In 1887, an official government study of the decimation of the great buffalo herds concluded that, next to the Sharps rifle, the Remington rolling...
When the first explorers of the early 19th century ventured west beyond the Mississippi River, they carried long, slender and somewhat delicate...
Colt Peacemaker. Just the sound of these words conjures up images of the Wild West. They bring to life scenes of bustling smoke-filled saloons and...
For firearms enthusiasts, the name John Bianchi is synonymous with quality gunleather, and for good reason. He’s truly a living legend, having made...
While most firearms enthusiasts appreciate a vintage gun showing its original finish, a certain beauty can be found in those well-worn guns whose...
Virtually every lever-action rifle today silently pays tribute to the granddaddy of lever guns designed over 150 years ago. One of the major...
Today’s American eats about 185 pounds of meat per year. The 32 humans and one large dog making up Lewis & Clark’s Corps of Discovery each...
Colt’s handsome Model of 1860 was a favorite on the frontier and saw use by notable Westerners such as Frank and Jesse James, John Wesley Hardin,...
“We’ve long held a fascination for the gunmen of the Wild West, and firearms enthusiasts have been especially interested in the hardware used by...