Even the protracted, chaotic writing of Tom Swift could not destroy this uplifting story about the life of Charles Bender. As a young Ojibwa Indian...

Chief Bender’s Burden: The Silent Struggle of a Baseball Star (Nonfiction)
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Even the protracted, chaotic writing of Tom Swift could not destroy this uplifting story about the life of Charles Bender. As a young Ojibwa Indian...
Rain had fallen for more than 24 hours, so it was not a typical morning in Phoenix, Arizona—cold, wet and the air thick with the smell of crushed...
This is an interesting read on the history of Northern California in the words of the people who pioneered and settled the regions between San...
This book is a beautifully done photo history of the Klondike Gold Rush—what the author refers to as one of the strangest mass movements in history....