These stories range from “The Vision of Hehaka’To,” with a Lakota Sioux hunting food for his starving family, to “Bonefish in Wyoming,” where a worn...
Sunset Trail
In the first of this “Western Duo,” Sunset Trail has U.S. Agent Bruce Shane striving to thwart an illegal shipment of rifles meant to carve out a...
Vengeance Moon
Harried from his Virginia home by a murder he didn’t commit, Mountain Man Matt Slaughter finds a wild Garden of Eden in the Big Horns, a loving...
Vengeance Moon
Harried from his Virginia home by a murder he didn’t commit, Mountain Man Matt Slaughter finds a wild Garden of Eden in the Big Horns, a loving...
Sunset Trail
In the first of this “Western Duo,” Sunset Trail has U.S. Agent Bruce Shane striving to thwart an illegal shipment of rifles meant to carve out a...
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’amor: The Adventure Stories
Louis L’Amour has thrilled countless readers with the adventures of Hondo, Jubal Sackett and Radigan. But the “Yondering Man” from North Dakota also...
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’amor: The Adventure Stories
Louis L’Amour has thrilled countless readers with the adventures of Hondo, Jubal Sackett and Radigan. But the “Yondering Man” from North Dakota also...
The Hart Brand
Fourteen-year-old Caleb Hart is ready to live the American dream when he ventures west to ride the Hart Brand range for his uncompromising uncle,...
The Hart Brand
Fourteen-year-old Caleb Hart is ready to live the American dream when he ventures west to ride the Hart Brand range for his uncompromising uncle,...
Bull by the Tale
These wryly provocative tales of southwestern Arizona range from the derring-do of yesterday’s Spanish Frontiersmen to the Happy Hour Gringos of...
Saint Patrick’s Battalion
The Mexican conflict would catapult a general into the White House as the ongoing campaign saw young officers such as U.S. Grant and R.E. Lee...
Much Ado About Grubstake (Fiction)
Teenage orphan Arley Pickett runs her deceased parents’ boarding house in gone-bust Grubstake, where her main source of comfort is the monthly...