A fake arrest almost cost Doc his freedom. July 30, 1882. Flim-flam man Perry Mallon is arrested in Toledo, Ohio on charges of being a "suspicious...
One Last Killing
An assassination ended the Graham-Tewksbury feud. August 2, 1892. Tom Graham (photo), a principal in Arizona's Pleasant Valley War, is gunned down...
The Death of a Legend
Wild Bill Hickok cashes in his chips. August 2, 1876. Wild Bill Hickok is playing poker in Nuttall and Mann's Saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory....
A Pearl of Great Price
Madam De Vere and the working girls of Cripple Creek. One of the richest gold strikes in the West occurred in Cripple Creek, Colorado in the 1890s....
Swilling and the Rangers
A founder of Phoenix also started a territorial militia. Arizona’s first Rangers may have been led one of the founders of Phoenix, Jack Swilling. In...
It Took an Apache to Find an Apache
The wiley Indians posed a great challenge on the frontier. One of the smartest strategic moves by the Frontier Army during the Indian Wars was to...
Change of Name, Change of Reputation
Frank Canton hid his earlier, sordid life. Frank Canton held a number of honorable positions in his life—lawman, detective, adjutant of the Oklahoma...
The Head and the Hand
Lawmen took two grisly souvenirs from dead bandits. July 25, 1853. A group of California Rangers led by Captain Harry Love guns down two bandits in...
Doc Holliday and the Con Man
Perry Mallon nearly ended Doc’s career. July 30, 1882. Flim-flam man Perry Mallon is arrested in Toledo, Ohio on charges of being a "suspicious...
The Bungling Bandit
Al Jennings’ outlaw career was the stuff of legend. During his long and colorful life, Al Jennings was a cowboy, lawyer, gunslinger, train robber,...
Nogales, Oklahoma?
Hollywood brought the Sooner State to Arizona. When Hollywood decided to make a movie of the Broadway play “Oklahoma” they couldn’t find a location...
The Governor/Doctor of Arizona
Ben Moeur was a colorful character. Arizona’s “Depression Governor” Ben Moeur was raised in San Antonio, Texas and liked to say, “I punched cows...