by Mark Boardman | May 1, 2007 | Features & Gunfights
It’s been called the Haywood Trial, after one of the defendants. Others have named it the Steunenberg Case in reference to the victim. Media trumpeted it as the “Trial of the Century.” Without a doubt, it is one of the most fascinating events in Old West...
by Johnny D. Boggs | May 1, 2007 | Travel & Preservation
Charles Lummis had a vision when he founded the Southwest Museum of the American Indian 100 years ago, starting a small museum that would grow into one of the most extensive collections of Indian artifacts, totaling some 240,000. Yet the Los Angeles museum hits the...
by Henry Cabot Beck | Apr 1, 2007 | Western Movies
According to Variety, Morgan Freeman, who last saddled up in Clint Eastwood’s Oscar-winning Unforgiven, is looking to launch an Eastern/Western that will give the phrase “Cowboys and Indians” a new twist. Moses Taite’s War will take place in...
by Henry Cabot Beck | Apr 1, 2007 | Western Movies
According to Variety, Morgan Freeman, who last saddled up in Clint Eastwood’s Oscar-winning Unforgiven, is looking to launch an Eastern/Western that will give the phrase “Cowboys and Indians” a new twist. Moses Taite’s War will take place in...
by Johnny D. Boggs | Apr 1, 2007 | Western Movies
The best Jesse James movie is 2000’s Ride with the Devil, which isn’t about Jesse James. That’s okay because the best George Custer movie is Fort Apache, which isn’t about the Boy General. If you want to get down to real Jesse movies, the sad state of affairs is that...