A Quick 300 Years

A Quick 300 Years

Long before Chris Columbus was a twinkle in his daddy’s eye, Pueblos lived in the Rio Grande Valley, farming what would become present-day Albuquerque, New Mexico. Over the past 300 years, Spain, Mexico, the Confederate States of America, the United States and then...
“A Glorious Sight to See”

“A Glorious Sight to See”

I’ll be the first to admit: I know nothing about the Battle of Spokane Plains. Actually, I know little about the Pacific Northwest, except I admire Bill Gulick, love salmon and trout, and highly recommend Cayuse’s Syrah wine (2000 vintage) out of Walla Walla. Yet, I’m...
Why is this Man Forgotten?

Why is this Man Forgotten?

He was disgusted with what American society had made him into — what they expected of him — and he hated even more failing to live up to those expectations. On October 24, 1849, just east of Point of Rocks on the Santa Fe Trail, Jicarilla Apaches ambushed the party of...
On a Mission along El Camino Real

On a Mission along El Camino Real

In the mid-18th century, when Spain’s King Charles III learned that Russian explorers and fur traders were settling along the Alaskan coast, he decided it was time to claim Alta California and establish colonial control. Successful colonization required three...
No Quarter

No Quarter

The night of October 18, 1915, was relatively normal for the passengers on board the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railroad train—until around 10:45 p.m. It was about seven miles north of Brownsville, Texas, headed into town, when the engine suddenly derailed....