The Birth of the Colt Revolver

The Birth of the Colt Revolver

In the years before the 1840’s the favorite side arm was a knife, and the big guy with long arms had a distinct advantage. Before the coming of the revolver and repeating rifle the Indians boasted superior firepower with bows and arrows. A warrior could unleash...
Voice of the West

Voice of the West

A remembrance of Larry McMurtry, a new history of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, a wild Western tale, Apache boarding schools and a new collection of Old West stories.     Pastures of the Empty Page: Fellow Writers on the Life and Legacy of Larry McMurtry...
Django Unchained

Django Unchained

A decade since the highest-grossing Western was released, the film remains controversial.     There are many disconcerting issues that a young historian of the American frontier must confront as the 10-year anniversary of the release of Django Unchained...
The West

The West

Never in the history of the world has there been a place like the American West. The pristine uncharted land, its natural beauty, blessed with veritable mountains of gold, silver, and copper. It was as if the Almighty had decreed this land as a place to create a...