Tamsen Donner—accomplished and faithful to the end. Tamsen Donner has been shoved to the rear of history—mainly because her husband, George, was the...

A Remarkable Person
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Tamsen Donner—accomplished and faithful to the end. Tamsen Donner has been shoved to the rear of history—mainly because her husband, George, was the...
James Reed was exiled from the Donner Party. James Reed was one of the leaders of the ill-fated Donner Party in 1846. But he avoided their fate in...
The leader of the Donner Party faced a tough end. George Donner had the great misfortune of leading the wagon train that bears his name. In 1846, he...
The year was 1841 and the Kelsey clan, often on the move, once again had itching feet. A letter from a Dr. Marsh (Dr. John Marsh) in California...