A cowboy tribute to the Christmas tree.

A Christmas Tree was written by the late, great cowboy poet Baxter Black. And it’s very appropriate for this time of year.

A Christmas tree is one of those things,

Like popcorn balls and angel’s wings

That children make in the snow.

A thing of beauty unsurpassed,

That touches our lives and never lasts

More than a week or so.


They shine in every living room

Like someone in a bright costume,

That’s happy to see you drop by.

And in a world that don’t slow down,

To see their lights all over town,

Warms you up inside.


It’s nice to get to know one well,

To know each tinsel and jingle bell,

That often as not doesn’t ring.

I can stare at the lights and never stop,

And look at the angel on the top,

And imagine that she can sing.


Even the scraggliest Christmas tree,

Seems to take on some dignity,

When guarding the gifts below.

But all of the ones I’ve seen up close

Seem to be smiling and playing the host

To all who say hello.


Sometimes I wish that if I were a tree,

The very best I could hope to be,

Is one of those wonderful pines,

That gets to spend a week with friends,

When even a grown-up kid pretends,

That all the world is fine.

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