True West reader Shawn Cote writes, “Has it ever been confirmed that Apache May Slaughter’s biological father really was the Apache Kid, as suggested in Paul Andrew Hutton’s book The Apache Wars?
The Apache Scouts with the 7th Cavalry patrol who accompanied John Slaughter and his men into Mexico in pursuit of the Apache Kid. The scouts found the camp on June 21st, 1896. The Kid and his raiders scattered. A baby girl was left behind. Slaughter and his wife would adopt the little girl and named her Patchy but that’s a story for another day.
There’s really no reason to believe the scouts weren’t telling the truth. Besides, you can take it to the bank if Paul Hutton wrote it.
It’s the first time I’ve heard that father-daughter story and I would say there’s really no way to prove it or to disprove it but it’s a good story.
I first heard about Apache May when I was in the third grade (1946) on a local radio show on KOY or KTAR. I think the show was called “Arizona Highlights.”