Bread Across the West

Bread Across the West

"Vile stuff” that suggested the “properties of poison” turned the bread a “green-yellow tinge” at the Pony Express station near Wyoming Territory’s...

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The Walk Down

The Walk Down

It was the most famous stroll in American history. Neither fast nor slow. Purposeful, with a sense of intimidation. It has been memorialized on film...

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John Larn

John Larn

John Larn was a vigilante leader and lawman in Shackleford, Texas in the mid-1870s. But that was a front.  Larn and his buddy John Selman rustled...

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Buckskin Frank Leslie

Buckskin Frank Leslie

“I, Nashville Franklyn Leslie, was born near San Antonio, Texas on the 18th day of March 1842 and am now a resident of Tombstone, Arizona and have...

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On to Oregon

On to Oregon

The adventurous and restless souls who risked all to go West were compelled by those qualities to redraw and improve “tried-and-true” trails.  Such...

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