A Deadly Kitchen

A Deadly Kitchen

Zerelda James, mother of Frank and Jesse James, would agree that her kitchen was deadly. When she moved into her home in 1845, she would have no...

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Custer, Then & Now

Custer, Then & Now

Illinois-based Gerald Duff, a prolific writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, treads into dangerous territory in Playing Custer: A Novel. Not...

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A Six Inch Rain

A Six Inch Rain

Every summer, in July and August, we get the big dust storms that freak out everybody who isn’t from Arizona. And, by the way, we never called them...

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Billy Vs. Ned

Billy Vs. Ned

Allen Barra: In Wanted, you cite a friend of Billy the Kid declaring, “He was a good kid, but he got in the wrong company.” Does that accurately...

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Women Outlaws

Women Outlaws

The have been tall tales told about Belle Starr and Flora Quick robbing trains and stagecoaches but far as I know Pearl Hart was the only woman to...

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