Mescalero Melee

Mescalero Melee

August 5, 1878 The Regulators are riding, 19 strong, as they come down through the canyon leading to the Mescalero Agency, perhaps looking for more...

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Burlesque Baseball

Burlesque Baseball

The silver mining camp of Silver City, New Mexico, took all of three years after its founding to form its first baseball team. The Silver City...

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The Cowboy’s Dream

The Cowboy’s Dream

He was born in Philadelphia as Alonzo Megarge III in 1883. Inspired by a Buffalo Bill Cody performance, Alonzo moved to Arizona at age 13 and sought...

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The Reno Gang

The Reno Gang

The question often comes up, which outlaw gang pulled in the most booty. Most believe it was Frank, Jesse and the Younger brothers or the Daltons....

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Walking the Line

Walking the Line

They were more than the sum of their parts, 19th-century surveyors, the unheralded vanguards of the Old West who established original geographical...

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The Pinkertons

The Pinkertons

The Pinkertons had their own way of doing things. The agency was trying to get three labor leaders (photo) to Idaho to face charges for allegedly...

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The Dodge City War

The Dodge City War

What became known as the “Dodge City War” began when Luke Short returned in April, 1881 and went to work at the Long Branch Saloon. Two years later...

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