Bawdy House Gals

Bawdy House Gals

The bawdy houses produced a litany of ladies with colorful sobriquets. The tender feelings western men had for these ladies are shown in the...

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Robert Sallee James

Robert Sallee James

It seems a bit strange that two of the baddest guys of the Old West were preacher’s kids. Jesse James’ father was a well-known Baptist minister in...

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Chasing Villa

Chasing Villa

After Pancho Villa and his bandits raided Columbus, New Mexico, and the troops stationed there on March 9, 1916, Brig. Gen. John “Black Jack”...

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Tiburcio Vasquez

Tiburcio Vasquez

Tiburcio Vasquez was—and is—regarded as a freedom fighter to at least some folks.  But his own people ultimately turned on the California...

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Everyone makes mistakes. Some are silly. Some are deadly. Among the deadly mistakes in the wild west—an entire book could be written about this...

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Seen the Elephant

Seen the Elephant

The West turned out to be the richest treasure trove of natural resources in the history of the civilized world. And the chance to get rich quick as...

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