In the summer of 1891, one of Tombstone’s most infamous characters showed up in town without a gun, without a name and without clothes. That’s...
Day Trip to Taos
Taos is about as close as you can come to visiting a foreign country in the United States. Nestled at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in...
Oregon Trail: Independence, Missouri, to Scotts Bluff, Nebraska
Hopeful faces turned westward more than 150 years ago as the greatest pioneer movement in history began along the Oregon Trail. Although the people...
The Hole-In-The-Wall Nickelodeon
The Hole-in-the-Wall filmography includes the original, the prequels, the sequels and the non sequiturs. •Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969):...
O Homo
In the summer of 1891, one of Tombstone’s most infamous characters showed up in town without a gun, without a name and without clothes. That’s...
Bogus Butches
The Internet auction service, eBay, is a hothouse of Butch and Sundance photographs. Images turn up on eBay with little more provenance than “You be...
The Last Ride
Early on the morning of November 3, 1908, Aramayo Francke & Company manager Carlos Peró left Tupiza with his teenage son, Mariano, and a servant...
Back at the Ranch
Buenos Aires, 1901 When Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Ethel Place arrived in Buenos Aires in late March 1901, they undoubtedly hoped to put...
The Wild Bunch
Who was the Wild Bunch? What crimes can be attributed to the gang? And who participated in those crimes? These questions defy simple answers. Take...
Breaking Colts
Breaking a colt, what a sorry expression. Just curious, but have you ever thought of “breaking” your child? Kind of a sick deal if we use the term...
Can you tell me the connection between the Swindle Bar brand and James A. Reavis, the Baron of Arizona?
Can you tell me the connection between the Swindle Bar brand and James A. Reavis, the Baron of Arizona? Floyd Anderson Phoenix, Arizona The Baron of...
You never see any old-time photos of cowboys, lawmen or outlaws wearing glasses. Even in Western movies you never see anyone wearing glasses. Was their vision perfect?
You never see any old-time photos of cowboys, lawmen or outlaws wearing glasses. Even in Western movies you never see anyone wearing glasses. Was...