Arizonans have inherited a litany of picturesquely whimsical place names and many of these were bestowed upon the wild, untamed territory by the colorful, boisterous, devil-may- care miners, prospectors, and cowboys who felt inspired to name every arroyo, mountain and coyote hole they encountered.
Wherever there was a rumor and a hole in the ground people gathered around and built a town around it, christening them with names like Total Wreck, Lousy Gulch, Timbuctu, Rimmy Jim, and Ruby. Born

True West April 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- What History Has Taught Me: Russell True
- Western Events for April 2018
- What was the Most Effective Stance for an Old West Gunfighter?
- How Many Men did Marshal Dillon Kill in the Gunsmoke Series?
- The Fair’s Frontier Fare
- Was John Selman a Bad Guy?
- Peace on the High Plains
- Proving Up
- The Spark that Launched the Vendetta Ride
- Was Josh Randall’s Wanted: Dead or Alive ”Mare’s Leg” Winchester based on a real Old West Gun?
- A Frontier Favorite Lever Gun
- Who has Jim Bowie’s Knife from the 1836 Battle of the Alamo?
- Monkey Business
- America’s Most Famous Firehouse?
- A Treaty Goes Up in Smoke