Bob Boze Bell


October 5, 1881 An outbreak from the Apache Reservation in San Carlos sends fear and shock waves throughout southeastern Arizona as warriors led by...

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Death by Shakespeare

Death by Shakespeare

November 22, 1880 Attacking during the night, four rustlers run off 22 head of stock from the Turner and Lindeman ranch near San Simon, Arizona. In...

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Son of a Gunfighter

Son of a Gunfighter

October 14, 1882 John J. Cozad is negotiating a trade in the Bee Hive General Store, which is run by his mother-in-law, Julia A. Gatewood, who sits...

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Blazing Bastards

Blazing Bastards

December 8, 1883 On a cold December night, five cowboys wearing heavy coats and masks ride up the gulch, past the Copper Queen smelter, and dismount...

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Left for Dead

Left for Dead

July 19, 1878 As a raging fire engulfs another room, Alexander McSween and his men move into the kitchen, the last standing room of his adobe home...

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