Dave Mather was a man of mystery—not only in life, but also in death. “Mysterious Dave” straddled the line between outlaw and lawman, and left...

Dave Mather was a man of mystery—not only in life, but also in death. “Mysterious Dave” straddled the line between outlaw and lawman, and left...
Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West. ART SHOWS PRIX DE WEST Oklahoma City, OK, June 7-8: An invitational contemporary...
Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West. ADVENTURES GREAT AMERICAN HORSE DRIVECraig, CO, May 1-6: Ride on a thrilling and...
“NEARLY everyone on the coast and directly east of the mountains came to know my brother, either personally or by repute, as early as the...
TOUGH MEN prospered on the Western frontier, but few men were as tough as Barbara Jones. Eve Ball, author of Ma’am Jones of the Pecos, summarized...
Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West. ADVENTURE NATIONAL PARKS WEEK Nationwide, April 22-26: Free entrance days at all...
“His throne was a saddle horse and his sceptre a six-shooter.... He was truly typical of the Old West, of uncompromising attitude with the lawless...
Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West. ART SHOW TRAPPINGS OF TEXASAlpine, TX, Starts Feb. 22: Nation’s second-oldest...