What an intriguing book! Names like Jim Moon, Jack Jolly and Zack Light may not be familiar to you, but they created more gun-related chaos than...
Seven Trails West
If a student of the exploration and expansion of the American West were to have only one book to cover it all, this big volume would be the one to...
Legend and Lore of the Guadalupe Mountains
At first glance, this book suggests you’re going to be subjected to another dose of lost gold mines, Indian raids, mysterious ghosts and local...
Alex Swan and the Swan Companies
Oh, where to start? I found this book boring and tedious, probably akin to reading the stock market report. In the 1870s, Alexander Swan ultimately...
Alex Swan and the Swan Companies
Oh, where to start? I found this book boring and tedious, probably akin to reading the stock market report. In the 1870s, Alexander Swan ultimately...
The Secret War For Texas
Texans have long vilified James Grant, a Scot with grandiose ambitions of forming the state of northern Mexico. He depleted weapons, munitions and...
The Secret War For Texas
Texans have long vilified James Grant, a Scot with grandiose ambitions of forming the state of northern Mexico. He depleted weapons, munitions and...
Tìo Cowboy
Juan Salinas (1901-95) was the first notable professional hispanic rodeo participant and eventual inductee into the Rodeo Hall of Fame. His story is...
Captain J.A. Brooks, Texas Ranger
James Brooks was the kind of rip-snortin’ Texas Ranger we all like to read about. His endless escapades are skillfully presented by the author along...
Captain J.A. Brooks, Texas Ranger
James Brooks was the kind of rip-snortin’ Texas Ranger we all like to read about. His endless escapades are skillfully presented by the author along...
Tìo Cowboy
Juan Salinas (1901-95) was the first notable professional hispanic rodeo participant and eventual inductee into the Rodeo Hall of Fame. His story is...
Lone Star Pasts
Attempting to define the difference between memory and reality, this book essentially is a collection of essays written to honor the Texas myth...