Never get into a card game with a guy named Canada Bill. That was a word of caution for folks who traveled the Mississippi in the steamboat era, or...

Never get into a card game with a guy named Canada Bill. That was a word of caution for folks who traveled the Mississippi in the steamboat era, or...
It’s one of the classic scenes in the film Tombstone. The Earps and Clantons are facing off (no, not that faceoff ... yet) after the shooting of...
A buffalo by any other name would still … not get the ink of Bill Cody. C.J. Jones knew that firsthand. He was a hunter and scout; he even rode with...
The scenic, winding back road between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico, is called N.M. 14 but is popularly known as the Turquoise Trail. Pueblos...
Sure, Commodore Perry Owens looked like a dude with his long hair, fancy duds and good looks. The man was definitely stylin’. But he made his bones...
U.S. Army troops have been chowing down on chili since the 1846 war with Mexico. But the army’s official chili recipe was not published until 1896...
Ned Christie’s cabin was under attack. More than two dozen lawmen surrounded the Indian Territory home in November 1892. They were trying to capture...
“The cowboy has left the country; his campfire has gone out,” wrote Ben Arnold of Valentine, Nebraska, in 1878. By then, Arnold was no longer...
The hat style called the Tom Mix goes in and out of fashion, but it has been guaranteed to raise a smile for most of the last century. The Tom Mix...
To improve our reporting of the newest and most innovative Western garb, home decor, food and other items of interest, we are premiering True West...