Lee A. Farrow’s Alexis in America: A Russian Grand Duke’s Tour, 1871-1872 is a well researched travelogue detailing Grand Duke Alexis Romanov’s...

Lee A. Farrow’s Alexis in America: A Russian Grand Duke’s Tour, 1871-1872 is a well researched travelogue detailing Grand Duke Alexis Romanov’s...
“There was one class of officers who were entitled to all the praise they received and much more besides, and that class was the surgeons, who never...
About 1980, a planchet was discovered near the Arizona community of Wheatfields, just a few miles north of Miami, about 40 miles east of the old San...
In the introduction to Edmund G. Ross: Soldier-Senator-Abolitionist, author Richard A. Ruddy commented: his interest in this subject “began in part...
Dating to ancient times, commanders have wrestled with communications over distances and under combat conditions. The flashing shield, drums or...
Long before the famed Code Talkers, American Indians from today’s Arizona and New Mexico played important roles in the U.S. military. As early as...
Touring our #1 Town of the year, Prescott, Arizona. 1. Hit the 1877 Palace Saloon on legendary Whiskey Row and belly up to the bar where Buckey...
After the 13 Colonies rebelled against King George III, fife, drums and trumpets kept field commands attune to men in the heat of combat or on the...
If the Colorado River is the “American Nile,” as some fanciful writers have called it, was there a Cleopatra along its banks? More than one woman...
Many “what ifs” can be found in history. Certainly this was the case with the controversial Bascom Affair that took place 150 years ago. Had the...
In the wake of the Civil War the American West offered perceived opportunities for nearly every element of society. So it came to be that some...