Sherry Monahan
Olive a Good Joke

Olive a Good Joke

Olive trees made their way to California by way of the Spanish Missions run by Franciscan priests who imported the trees in the 1700s. By the...

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Going Nuts Out West

Going Nuts Out West

Patients of Dr. J.H. Reeves, who settled in Glen Rose, Texas, in 1869, were often treated to tasty pecans that grew in the area. “A tow sack of...

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Poverty Croquettes

Poverty Croquettes

Croquettes first appeared on English dinner tables in the 18th century. In the mid-1800s, Americans knew croquet as a lawn game. The food version...

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Huber’s Café

Huber’s Café

Louis Eppinger, a five-foot-four, brown-eyed German immigrant, arrived in America in 1848. From the 1850s to the late 1880s, he managed and owned...

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Hamming it Up

Hamming it Up

In the mid-1800s, the word sandwich was almost synonymous with ham. If you ordered a sandwich, it was likely ham. The other two options were tongue...

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A Cement Pudding

A Cement Pudding

"I remember a strawberry festival that featured a huge floating island pudding,” recalled Mrs. Ford, who lived in Canyon City, Oregon, after the...

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