From the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, in peacetime and on bloody fields of war, Henry L. Abbot engineered the infrastructure of a new...

From the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, in peacetime and on bloody fields of war, Henry L. Abbot engineered the infrastructure of a new...
For most descendants of African slaves born prior to the Civil War, the path to freedom was usually a covert and perilous foot journey to exile in...
Chief Iron Tail, born Sinté Máza, of the Oglala Lakota Nation, was a rare 19th-century Indian celebrity with an international following and a...
Born during the Civil War on December 6, 1864, in Newburgh, New York, William Surrey Hart was one of seven children of the first U.S.-born...
Thanks to an unlikely visionary’s humble efforts to preserve California’s Yosemite Valley and nearby giant redwoods, new generations of adventurers...
Thanks to an unlikely visionary’s humble efforts to preserve California’s Yosemite Valley and nearby giant redwoods, new generations of adventurers...
Ambrose Bierce’s was a life of remarkable contrasts. He was born in 1842 to the poverty of a Midwestern log cabin and a family of 13 children; he...
Born in 1828 to the Southern Cheyenne tribe, Tak-kee-o-mah, or Little Robe, was raised a warrior, his skills honed in combat with traditional...
When Lewis Kingman peered down into the wasteland abyss of Arizona’s Diablo Canyon, the topography was a world away from the sandy dunes of his...
On a cold January night in 1884, Joel A. Fowler sat helpless in jail. The citizens of Socorro, New Mexico, gathered outside, eager to lynch the...
Born into a prominent New York family on July 27, 1840, Ranald Slidell Mackenzie was destined to live his life seated in a McClellan saddle on the...
The stars fill the dark sky. The night is deadly cold in the winter of 1872. Near Cape Nome, Alaska, the dead are seen trying to return to this...