There were no roads; no towns. The extreme summer heat and winter cold were almost unbearable. But from a former Civil War-ambulance pulled by four...

There were no roads; no towns. The extreme summer heat and winter cold were almost unbearable. But from a former Civil War-ambulance pulled by four...
The Texas Rangers are arguably the most famous law enforcement agency in U.S. history, and they certainly made their mark in the Old West. It took...
Where the infinite Southwestern horizon divides the world’s deepest chasm from an ever-changing celestial palette, man’s recent arrival is marked by...
When Buffalo Bill’s Wild West offered its performance spectacle between 1883 and 1916 before audiences across the United States and Europe, the...
He was born Tzoe of the Canyon Creek clan of the Cibecue Apaches, around 1860, in the piñon-juniper canyon lands below the Mogollon Rim not far from...
During the rough and woolly days of the 19th century lived a legendary generation of U.S. marshals whose real life exploits sound like a dramatic...
For Charles Stewart Stobie, the decision to travel from Eastern cities to the Indian lands in the rugged American West would last a lifetime....