What did cowboys read for pleasure?

What did cowboys read for pleasure?
Was the Civil War Vintage LeMat Revolver Ever Modified to take Brass Cartridges?
How Did Frontier Explorers and Residents Deal with Ticks and Chiggers?
Who was in Charge of Keeping Western Streets Clean?
Did Jim Bowie have his Famous Knife at the Alamo?
Were the Earp’s pivotal figures in settling Arizona?
How Far Apart Were Water Holes and Stations?
What did Old West towns do about disposal of animal and human waste? Frank Fantozzi San Jose, California They would haul it to the outskirts of town...
In the January 2019 issue of True West, Pancho Villa is riding with the reins in his right hand and his reata tied on the left. The man behind him...
In the book Roughing It, Mark Twain refers to gunfighters as “long-tailed heroes.” What does that mean? Paul Gortarez Phoenix, Arizona Twain was...
Did Billy the Kid serve as an interpreter for Irish immigrants? Marcil d’Hirson Garron Newhall, California Being of Irish ancestry on both sides of...
Did the Cowboys or the Pioneers use Snowshoes in Tough Winters?