Dragging a weary child and cradling a baby, she knew how to fire a weapon and kept her gun close. Just exactly where she was going, she didn’t know....

Dragging a weary child and cradling a baby, she knew how to fire a weapon and kept her gun close. Just exactly where she was going, she didn’t know....
An 1862 gold rush near Yuma, Arizona, spurred the interest of gold prospectors including an Austrian named Henry Wickenburg. His discovery of the...
The landscape along the Whoop-Up Trail was “rolling prairie, cut up occasionally by collies [coulees]—covered with short, dried up grass and prickly...
The landscape along the Whoop-Up Trail was “rolling prairie, cut up occasionally by collies [coulees]—covered with short, dried up grass and prickly...
An 1862 gold rush near Yuma, Arizona, spurred the interest of gold prospectors including an Austrian named Henry Wickenburg. His discovery of the...
We know the train was a major player in the settling of the Old West. We know it’s a romantic and wonderful way to travel—just ask anyone why they...
He could fish with the best of them, knew the outdoors like the back of his hand, played a mean game of baseball and left behind a lasting legacy as...
It takes a well-traveled and enthusiastic person whose love of the American West drives him (literally) to seek out the best spots to cultivate his...
We know the train was a major player in the settling of the Old West. We know it’s a romantic and wonderful way to travel—just ask anyone why they...
He could fish with the best of them, knew the outdoors like the back of his hand, played a mean game of baseball and left behind a lasting legacy as...
It takes a well-traveled and enthusiastic person whose love of the American West drives him (literally) to seek out the best spots to cultivate his...
I guess you could say Zebulon Pike made a grand circle tour in 1806-07, although that wasn’t his intention when he set out on a reconnaissance of...