In the opening scene of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the title character says, “Stand and deliver!“ That phrase seems appropriate for the...

In the opening scene of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the title character says, “Stand and deliver!“ That phrase seems appropriate for the...
What can you tell me about the LeMat revolver? Bob Fuller Vermillion, South Dakota The fearsome-looking weapon was used in several movies and...
On the frontier, did people break as much glass as we see in Western films? Sam Browder Kingsport, Tennessee Our fearless leader Bob Boze Bell says,...
A fair amount is known about Doc Holliday’s girlfriend, Big Nose Kate, yet is anything known about her younger sister? Allen Fossenkemper Fountain...
October 26, 1881 First of all, it didn’t happen in the O.K. Corral. The fight happened down the street from the rear entrance to the O.K. Corral, in...
Butch Cassidy is dead. William T. Phillips is dead. Yet the legend that the two men were one and the same still has not given up the ghost, despite...
The old Bob Seger song claimed that Rock ‘n’ Roll never forgets. History does, all too often. Take the case of Clement Rolla Glass, who died too...
Four riders surrounded the Texas Ranger, LaBoeuf (Matt Damon). Suddenly, the horseman on the Ranger’s left threw a lasso over his shoulders and...
In one C.S. Fly photograph, Geronimo holds two long sticks in his left hand. Would these be tamping rods for the rifle he’s holding? Lanny Tucker...
I own an Old West poker chip with the imprint of a crescent and star. Is it true that was the mark for the Acme Saloon in El Paso, where John Wesley...
Why is Arizona’s Zane Grey Highway also called the General Crook Trail? Angela Young Phoenix, Arizona Rim County historian Jayne Peace Pyle says...
During our recent trip to Wyoming’s Fort Laramie, our tour guide told us that when Union troops left Indian Territory forts to serve in the Civil...