July 25, 1853 Saddling up at 2 a.m. Harry Love and his fellow California Rangers ride out of their rugged mountain camp and make their way to...

July 25, 1853 Saddling up at 2 a.m. Harry Love and his fellow California Rangers ride out of their rugged mountain camp and make their way to...
Dr. Harold Brown (my professor at Dartmouth Medical School in 1975) wrote a masterpiece titled Basic Clinical Parasitology. He lectured that if all...
August 17, 1877 “I...called him a pimp.” It’s a Friday night, and young Henry Antrim is playing poker in George Atkins’s Cantina, just outside the...
Five American prospectors set up camp near the junction of Turkey Creek and Tuscumbia Creek in the rough Bradshaw Mountains, about 30 miles...
What do Western novelists mean by “light a shuck?” Michael J. Graves Belen, New Mexico The phrase means to depart in haste for another location,...
Could a Western gunfighter really shoot accurately without using the sight on the revolver? John McFarland Jacksonville, Florida Pistol shooters,...
What does “hook and a draw” mean in the Johnny Yuma TV theme song? Jim & Jan Patton Anthem, Arizona I first sang that Johnny Cash song at...
In his book The Gunfighters, Dale T. Schoenberger states that Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Doc Holliday and Luke Short were known as the “Dodge City...
Did Civil War veterans wear military surplus items? Jean Philippe Reynier Montpellier, France We know the veterans returning from the war...
Why did cowboys wear vests? Dan Cherrington Roswell, Georgia Vests not only kept the torso warm, but they were also pretty handy. At that time,...
What do you know about the Bella Union Opera House in Tombstone, Arizona? Joe GallagherOntario, California I called Tombstone’s former official...
Who filled up the watering troughs for horses in frontier towns? Dave Freestone Kingman, Arizona Usually someone in the employment of the town,...