Do you believe the story that Jesse James met Billy the Kid in 1879? Philippe Morcrette Talence, Gironde, France That account comes from Dr. Henry...

Do you believe the story that Jesse James met Billy the Kid in 1879? Philippe Morcrette Talence, Gironde, France That account comes from Dr. Henry...
What was a typical breakfast in the Old West? Manuel Solis Arlington, Texas Frontier fare usually depended on what was available in a certain place...
What can you tell me about Canyon Diablo, Arizona? Cindy Smith Cartersville, Georgia When the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad was building a...
How common was locoweed poisoning in the Old West? Wesley Egli Picture Rocks, Pennsylvania Loco comes from the Spanish, meaning “mad” or “crazy.”...
You may know Celia Ann Blaylock-Mattie-from movies such as Tombstone or Wyatt Earp. She’s the drugged out, paranoid shrew who tried the patience of...
Let’s revisit those beginning scenes in Dances With Wolves, when Lt. Dunbar (Kevin Costner) is lying, bootless, with an injured right foot in the...
Did cowboys on the trail prefer to smoke cigarettes, pipes or cigars? Chris Tramel Liberty, Tennessee Cigarettes. The real demand for tobacco came...
What is the Bascom Affair? David Salge Queen Creek, Arizona The Bascom Affair is a great example of arrogance, miscalculation and underestimating...
An old man who died in San Diego in 1948 claimed on his deathbed to be gunman “Buckskin” Frank Leslie. Was he telling the truth? Tom Dancik...
Why did Gene Autry wear a double buscadero rig with only one holster? P. J. Williams Worcestershire, England Jim Dunham, director of special...
When did regular bathing become the norm in the Old West? Mike Franklin Poteet, Texas Good hygiene is a fairly recent concern. The mid-20th century...
Did Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders include any outlaws or lawmen? Jari Teilas Kotka, Finland The legendary captain of Company A, William O. “Buckey”...