Did Indians have a smoke “Morse Code” that sent messages, or were the smoke signals a confirmation of a pre-arranged plan? Ron Vermillion...

Did Indians have a smoke “Morse Code” that sent messages, or were the smoke signals a confirmation of a pre-arranged plan? Ron Vermillion...
Did outlaws prefer Spanish Mustangs? Ted Mulligan Massapequa, New York I wouldn’t call them the “first choice.” Outlaws wanted to ride the fastest...
My husband and I have noticed that some of the big stars rode the same horses in a lot of their movies. Were these their own mounts, or did the film...
I have often heard about the “Code of the West.” Was there, in fact, a list of rules for conduct in the Old West? Larry Dye Fenton, Illinois No...
Were the Spanish vaqueros the first to round up and herd cattle in the West? Jim Catalano San Ramon, California Our fearless leader Bob Boze Bell...
September 7, 1893 It’s a stifling hot Thursday morning in Delta, Colorado. Shops are open for business; most folks are inside, trying to beat the...
“He has killed me now,” were the reported words of Crazy Horse, one of the greatest chiefs of the Sioux Nations, just after he was bayoneted at...
What do they use in guns to make them smoke after they’re fired? Tina McGinty Sun City, Arizona Blackpowder, consisting of potassium nitrate,...
I have recently started collecting brothel tokens. How can I tell the originals from the replicas? Bob and Diana McShan Brady, Texas The incised...
What is the title of the beautiful song sung by the villagers who lined the road as the outlaws ride out of town in Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch?...
Who was Will McLaury, the Texas lawyer and brother of “Cowboys” Frank and Tom, who were gunned down in Tombstone? Glade Fawson Riverton, Utah...
What Western features an outlaw gang in Seymour, Indiana, and what do you know about the gang? Helen and Dick Mullis Melbourne, Florida True West’s...