While traveling through southern New Mexico and Arizona, I saw signs for “The Thing.” What is it? John Chambers San Jose, California “The Thing” is...
In some Westerns, characters hang a dead man’s gun and holster on a crudely made cross marking his grave. Did they really do that in the old days?
In some Westerns, characters hang a dead man’s gun and holster on a crudely made cross marking his grave. Did they really do that in the old days?...

The Battle of Big Dry Wash
July 17 1882 Apache leader Na-ti-o-tish positions his warriors along a narrow gorge eight miles north of the Mogollon Rim in east central Arizona....

The Battle of Big Dry Wash
July 17 1882 Apache leader Na-ti-o-tish positions his warriors along a narrow gorge eight miles north of the Mogollon Rim in east central Arizona....

Who Killed Col. Fountain?
In February 1, 1896, Col. Albert Jennings Fountain and his eight-year-old son Henry were on the last leg of the 150-mile trip from Lincoln, New...

Who Killed Col. Fountain?
In February 1, 1896, Col. Albert Jennings Fountain and his eight-year-old son Henry were on the last leg of the 150-mile trip from Lincoln, New...
I can’t locate a copy of Richard O’Connor’s Bat Masterson book, listed in the credits of the TV series starring Gene Barry. Is there another biography I can buy?
I can’t locate a copy of Richard O’Connor’s Bat Masterson book, listed in the credits of the TV series starring Gene Barry. Is there another...
My SASS friends and I disagree. I say chinks were not worn by working cowboys in the 1890s. I believe they were show wear for riders during the late 1940s. Can you settle this?
My SASS friends and I disagree. I say chinks were not worn by working cowboys in the 1890s. I believe they were show wear for riders during the late...
True West calls the Tombstone battle the “Gunfight Behind the O.K. Corral,” while Earp historian Allen Barra calls it the “Street Fight in Tombstone.” How did people in the 19th century refer to it?
True West calls the Tombstone battle the “Gunfight Behind the O.K. Corral,” while Earp historian Allen Barra calls it the “Street Fight in...
Most Hollywood movies end with the good guys winning and the bad guys in jail or dead. How true is that to the Old West?
Most Hollywood movies end with the good guys winning and the bad guys in jail or dead. How true is that to the Old West? Willie Slappy Jonesboro,...
I can’t locate a copy of Richard O’Connor’s Bat Masterson book, listed in the credits of the TV series starring Gene Barry. Is there another biography I can buy?
I can’t locate a copy of Richard O’Connor’s Bat Masterson book, listed in the credits of the TV series starring Gene Barry. Is there another...
My SASS friends and I disagree. I say chinks were not worn by working cowboys in the 1890s. I believe they were show wear for riders during the late 1940s. Can you settle this?
My SASS friends and I disagree. I say chinks were not worn by working cowboys in the 1890s. I believe they were show wear for riders during the late...