With its wonderful title, Shirley Ann Wilson Moore’s Sweet Freedom’s Plains: African Americans on the Overland Trails, 1841–1869 (University of...
Sabers & Spurs
In literature, film and television, the role of the U.S. cavalry in the history of the American West has been as romanticized as any major element...
The Legacy of Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse: The Lakota Warrior’s Life and Legacy by the Edward Clown Family as told to William B. Matson (GibbsSmith, $30) is a family account of...
Arizona Frontier Adventure
Whereas in some circles the unreliable narrator holds sway, Michael Zimmer’s latest book, Charlie Red: American Legends Collection, Book Five...
Vision Quest
As current events in North Dakota and South Dakota swirl around pipelines, historic gravesites, life-giving waters, sacred land, natural resources,...
Best Of The West: Western Books
When historians review the year 2016 in publishing, will they discover themes in Western history and fiction that reflected the national turmoil and...
Bleached Bones
Set in the harsh, beautiful Sand Hills of Nebraska at the dawn of the 20th century, Jonis Agee’s The Bones of Paradise (William Morrow, $25.99) is a...
West Texas Paradise
Pecos, Texas, wouldn’t exist if not for the shape of the Pecos River. Near where the town would come to be, the deep, twisting gorge narrowed to...
Legends of the Old West Visit the Big Apple
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, many Old West icons were frequent visitors to New York City. Their association with urban life and...
Lighting the Fuse
On March 17, 1876, U.S. Army Col. Joseph J. Reynolds led six cavalry companies on an early morning attack against a Northern Cheyenne village on the...
Highway of History, Last Chance Byway: The History of Nine Mile Canyon
Lately engaged in a tug-of-war between archaeologists and energy developers, Nine Mile Canyon lies in the middle of hundreds of square miles of...
War and Peace in the West
Peter Cozzens’s The Earth is Weeping: The Epic Story of the Indian Wars for the American West (Alfred A. Knopf, $35) is the most comprehensive,...