The Savage Breed unfolds with a rush in a time and place rarely visited by the average Western writer. Randy Denmon takes the reader down a...
Time of the Rangers
Much history and legend of the Lone Star State involves the Texas Rangers. Mike Cox’s Time of the Rangers powerfully carries forward their story...
Sacred Memories
Texas is part of the South as well as the Rangers’ West. Sacred Memories is Kelly McMichael’s guide to Confederate statues on Lone Star courthouse...
Ten Deadly Texans
In Ten Deadly Texans, Lawrence Yadon, Don Anderson and Robert Barr Smith discuss the meanest hombres to encounter Rangers. Among them are Cullen...
Yours to Command
Harold J. Weiss Jr. tells the story of Ranger Capt. Bill McDonald in Yours to Command. A compulsive lawman, Ranger McDonald was also a deputy...
Pistols, Petticoats, & Poker
My interest in the photos of Lottie Deno was piqued after a discussion with Robert G. McCubbin, the renowned authority on Old West photographs and...
Six-Gun Caballero
If proof were needed that L. Ron Hubbard could handle the Western with the flair of a Louis L’Amour or Zane Grey, this book is it. Young Michael...
My 5 Most Important Books
Paul Hutton Distinguished Professor of History at the University of New Mexico, Paul Hutton is the author of Phil Sheridan and His Army and the...
My Name is Falon
The story behind the Scots at the Alamo “I was fascinated with the role the Scots played in early Texas history.... I used this connection to tell a...
Red Light Women of the Rocky Mountains
In this book, the Rocky Mountains somehow includes Arizona. Jan MacKell’s observations of the Earp women and the “control of prostitution” for the...
Making the Grade
These women, many teenagers themselves, often faced unruly children. You have to admire the pluck of these frontier women. Working with wit, quick...
Social Class in the Writings
A popular writer of the early 1900s, Foote would gain fame much later, in 1979, when Mary Ellen Williams-Walsh exposed Wallace Stegner’s liberal...