Summoned by the visionary Sitting Bull to the Sioux summer rendezvous on the Little Bighorn River (Greasy Grass), a medicine man shares his vision...
The American Far West in the 20th Century (Nonfiction)
Richard W. Etulain has rescued and edited the last manuscript of the late University of Oregon professor. Pomeroy proves his thesis that the 20th...
Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory (Nonfiction)
Here’s a new literary treasure for all fans of the frontier wars and military posts. Fort Abraham Lincoln is examined at length here, from daily...
Captain Ransom, Texas Ranger
Yet another biographical tribute to a Texas Ranger, this one written by the subject’s granddaughter. Henry Ransom served as a ranger in the first...
Nebraska’s Cowboy Trail
Keith Terry believes travel is an escape from the routine—combining new vistas and tangible history that stimulates the soul, opens the mind and...
The Overland Journey
The history of Westward trails is well documented, often compelling and always adventurous. This book details the unique history of the...
Early Texas Schools
Texas education from the Republic to the Depression is a study of social change. In 1850, some settlers’ schools were simply the shade of a tree; by...
The Chouteaus: First Family of the Fur Trade
This is the story of several generations of the Chouteau family in the fur trade, starting with brothers Auguste and Pierre founding St. Louis in...
Painting the Wild Frontier: The Art and Adventures of George Catlin (Children’s Book)
Young Adult: This biography brings alive the will and vision an artist must possess to succeed. Born in 1796, George Catlin lived during the intense...
A Promise To Believe In
In this Christian Romance, Gwen Gallatin and her two sisters inherit a Montana stagecoach station and boardinghouse after their father dies during a...
The Pirooters
In 1916, San Antonio teenager James Edward Pargrew’s growing pains keep him in hot water with his dominating lawyer father, but things change when...
Return of the Spirit Rider
Handsome Vin Lockhart is a Denver businessman, who, as a child, was taken captive by the Oglala Sioux. Treated well by his captors, he grew up to...