This is the story of several generations of the Chouteau family in the fur trade, starting with brothers Auguste and Pierre founding St. Louis in...
Painting the Wild Frontier: The Art and Adventures of George Catlin (Children’s Book)
Young Adult: This biography brings alive the will and vision an artist must possess to succeed. Born in 1796, George Catlin lived during the intense...
A Promise To Believe In
In this Christian Romance, Gwen Gallatin and her two sisters inherit a Montana stagecoach station and boardinghouse after their father dies during a...
The Pirooters
In 1916, San Antonio teenager James Edward Pargrew’s growing pains keep him in hot water with his dominating lawyer father, but things change when...
Return of the Spirit Rider
Handsome Vin Lockhart is a Denver businessman, who, as a child, was taken captive by the Oglala Sioux. Treated well by his captors, he grew up to...
The Story of Benjamin Tyler Henry and His Famed Repeating Rifle
The Henry rifle is a legendary firearm, and all lever action rifles are based on the repeater, yet little has been documented on the Henry. Through...
At Sword’s Point
This excellent book (with Part II to follow) continues Clark’s “Kingdom in the West” series. The volumes will surely become the definitive history...
The Next Classic Buddy Film
Steel-eyed, sober, often grim and frequently dangerous, Ed Harris has carved a niche for himself portraying characters who can be flawed or...
Patterson: A Western Duo (Fiction)
These two tense tales show Paine’s mastery of the Western and its heroes—men who not only take on trouble but ride straight over it. In “Dead Men in...
Wolves at Our Door (Fiction)
For a quarter of a century, undeclared wars crackled along the Arizona-Sonora border where more than 175 ranchers and young Sonoran men have been...
Dime Novel Desperadoes: The Notorious Maxwell Brothers (Nonfiction)
What an intriguing book! Ed and Lon Maxwell rivaled the James boys in their career of horse stealing, robberies and killings, but none of it...
Black Women in Texas History (Nonfiction)
The social progress of Texan black women now surpasses that of black males and white females. In this unique anthology, regional historians...