"No one is as wrong as the man who thinks he knows all the answers." “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” —Oscar Wilde “...

"No one is as wrong as the man who thinks he knows all the answers." “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” —Oscar Wilde “...
Old Vaquero Sayings "If you want things to remain the same, something has to change." Quotes "A generation which ignores history has no...
HE GOT THE DROP ON CRASH I have been a subscriber for a while and love the magazine. I was reading the article "All That Glitters Is Not Gold" in...
Rangers’ Morning Muster The Company D Texas Rangers, preparing to take off on the mock “scout” after desperadoes, fortify themselves with hot...
On September 26, 2024, True West’s 2022 True Westerner of the Year and beloved Firearms Editor Phil Spangenberger died suddenly during a heart...
Tom Kramer Tom Kramer was born and raised in Missouri but headed west to Hollywood at age 19. He is a three-time Emmy nominee and Writers Guild of...
Killer Kids Oh, the troubled faces of these killer kids on the cover of the current issue of True West reflect the horror and madness of war. You...
Old Vaquero Sayings "Cerveza makes you feel like you ought to feel without cerveza." Quotes “Large numbers of strangers can cooperate...
Photographer Evelyn Cameron (above with her Graflex camera) captured these images of the XIT herd swimming the Yellowstone River near Fallon,...
Jana Bommersbach Has Passed While we were finishing this issue we got word that our beloved columnist, author and friend, Jana Bommersbach passed...
“Every family needs that one unstable person who has no fear and is willing to go to war with whoever messes with their tribe.” “What a man knows...
President Abraham Lincoln made Nevada a territory in the fall of 1861 to protect its rich silver and gold mines from the Confederacy. Fast-tracked...