John Chisum Frontier Cattle King Bill O’Neal True West Magazine
John Chisum: Frontier Cattle King by Bill O’Neal (Wild Horse Media, $19.95).

State Historian of Texas Bill O’Neal’s latest book, John Chisum: Frontier Cattle King, explores the life and times of Chisum’s legendary role as a cattleman as well as providing a careful analysis of films made about the Western icon.

Following his childhood in Tennessee, Chisum was always hunting new grounds for opportunity and the expansion of his cattle empire into the New Mexico Territory, where his story became entangled in the legend of Billy the Kid.

O’Neal expertly demonstrates that Chisum, despite his entanglement with The Kid,  was a tough and confident man in his own right during his lifetime of fighting off Indian attacks, rustlers and economic hardships.

— Erik Wright, assistant editor of The National Edition of the Tombstone Epitaph

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