He Knew Them All

He Knew Them All

He was one of the pros. The six-foot-seven gentle giant directed movie stars by letting them do what they did best, while he created seamless entertainments. That’s the old-school way. The way Andrew V. McLaglen learned, watching his father, Victor, going through the...
Pawnee Power

Pawnee Power

The Pawnee scouts, revered to this day in Pawnee culture, played a pivotal role during the height of the Indian Wars between 1864 and 1877. “With war howling at the very doorstep of the Pawnee nation, these soldiers forestalled the specter of genocide in their...
The Great McGinty

The Great McGinty

Billy McGinty was an unlikely hero. Only five feet, two inches tall, the sawed off bronc buster from Oklahoma Territory couldn’t march in step and was allergic to military discipline, but he turned out to be one heck of a fighting man. McGinty distinguished himself as...
Did Kit Carson Win at Adobe Walls?

Did Kit Carson Win at Adobe Walls?

Even though Kit Carson’s battle at Adobe Walls was a major engagement, historians have written little about it. Most people know Carson for his explorations as a mountain man; his adventures with John Charles Frémont, known as the “Great Pathfinder,” in California...
Trail of Tragedy

Trail of Tragedy

I’ve waited until May to come back, figuring that a late fall or early winter trip would be too depressing. Besides, driving across rural southeastern Colorado in November can be deadly. The last time I came here, in the late 1980s—years before Sand Creek was...