The Tucked-In Rangers

The Tucked-In Rangers

During the Canadian River Campaign of 1858, Texas Ranger Capt. John “Rip” Ford wore his striped trousers tucked into heavy-top boots. In the most widely-circulated Texas Ranger photo in history, Company D Rangers posed with their tucked-in boots while on assignment to...
Our Favorite Western Reads of 2012

Our Favorite Western Reads of 2012

If ever an Old West lawman deserved his due, Bob Paul did. Several have made a run at sharing his story, including Roy Young, who uncovered new materials and photos and wrote a long overdue biography of the lawman. But John Boessenecker built upon Young’s work and...

Did any Old West lawmen also work as preachers?

Did any Old West lawmen also work as preachers? Tommy AllenParis, Texas Not many come to mind. Pierre Bernard Hill was a Presbyterian minister who also served as the first chaplain of the Texas Rangers (starting in 1923). He established five churches in the San...
True West’s Best of the West 2013 Winners

True West’s Best of the West 2013 Winners

Here are the winners of our “2013 Best of the West.” Sit back and see if your pick made the list.               THE BEST OF THE WEST: MOVIES   BEST INDEPENDENT WESTERN Good for NothingThough the film received polarizing reviews, we believe Good for Nothing...
The Soul of Django Unchained

The Soul of Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino has called his upcoming film Django Unchained a “Southern,” as it takes place in the South, moments before the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter. His story of runaway slave Django (Jamie Foxx) has been tied to Spaghetti Westerns as a major...