Man of War and Peace

Man of War and Peace

A century and a half ago, Civil War hero General Ulysses S. Grant was fated to become the Republican nominee for president of the United States. Grant was respected for his wartime leadership and post-war leadership of the Army. In 1868, the nation was in the midst of...
Kit Carson and the Mountain Men

Kit Carson and the Mountain Men

A large rodent determined the destiny of Kit Carson, the Mountain Men and much of the American West. The North American beaver, the second-largest rodent in the world, along with its Eurasian cousin, was prized for its luxurious fur. Beaver pelts, useful in...
Courtship and Marriage in the Territories

Courtship and Marriage in the Territories

One might say Asa Mercer was a “marriage arranger.” In 1861 he became a founding father and first president of the University of Washington. He was from New England and noticed a severe shortage of marriageable women in Seattle. So he went back to Lowell,...