September 2012 Events

September 2012 Events

Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West ADVENTURES Beginner Horsemanship & Confidence Building Seminar Gila, NM, September 2-7: This program’s goal is to teach you skills to help improve horse control, such as round pen techniques and trail...
Top 10 Western Museums of 2012

Top 10 Western Museums of 2012

We salute those who think outside that glass display case. Remember back in those golden days when your folks would force you inside that same old mothball-smelling museum every summer vacation? Really, how many times can you see that Colt .45 that once belonged to...
Following the Santa Fe Trail

Following the Santa Fe Trail

When first opened to traffic in 1821, the Santa Fe Trail linked the American markets along the Missouri River with the long-established Mexican trade center of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The culturally diverse points supported a commercial road that not only connected...
The Iconic Duo

The Iconic Duo

The last great year for Western movies was 1969, which saw the release of three classics: The Wild Bunch, True Grit and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (all three films feature actor Strother Martin in memorable roles). Getting three terrific Westerns in the same...
Buffalo Bill Gets on Track

Buffalo Bill Gets on Track

In the year 1869, dime novel king Ned Buntline aspired to write one of his corkers about Frank North, the famed scout and Indian fighter who was known as the “white chief of the Pawnee.” The two met to talk it over. North turned down the exposure: “If you want a man...