Lieutenant Cushing’s Last Scout

Lieutenant Cushing’s Last Scout

Among the many brave and courageous officers in the Frontier Army during the Apache Wars was Lieutenant Howard Cushing. A member of a family of war heroes, two of his brothers, William and Alonzo gained national prominence for their heroism during the Civil War. The...
Geronimo: The Shaman’s “Power”

Geronimo: The Shaman’s “Power”

Like most indigenous peoples, the Apaches were fascinated by individuals exercising any form of clairvoyance. Some had the “gift” and Geronimo was one of the blessed. When Threatened by soldiers Geronimo would consult his Power, a guardian spirit which...
Cowboy Up!

Cowboy Up!

From Montana to Texas, a summer road trip is a great way to immerse yourself in the history and heritage of the American West.   I remember my parents loading my sister, Katherine, and me into the family station wagon. It was the late 1960s and our vacation...