by Stuart Rosebrook | Dec 17, 2020 | Classic True West
If 2020 taught us anything as readers of Western history and fiction, it was that we depend on our storytellers to help us endure hard times. Whether in person, curbside or from a bookseller’s website, we consumed Western history and fiction last year, not only...
by Jana Bommersbach | Dec 17, 2020 | Classic True West
My Favorites of 2020 Thank You for Helping Me Through 2020 There aren’t many jobs in which you’re lucky enough to make friends as you work out of your home office, connected only by a telephone. But this column makes me lucky enough! It takes me into the world of...
by Phil Spangenberger | Dec 17, 2020 | Classic True West
What a helluva year 2020 was! While the past 12 months will be remembered in largely negative terms, there have been a handful of firearms introduced that nostalgic gun-lovers view as definitely positive. Return of the American Cimarron Firearms’ new spitting-image...
by Bob Boze Bell | Dec 16, 2020 | Classic Gunfights
Patricio Valenzuela, the hacendado (ranch owner) of the Agua Fria hacienda, eight miles east of Cucurpe in Sonora, Mexico, is alerted by his vaqueros of raiding Apaches who have butchered one of his cows and an ox at Tapacadepe. Valenzuela hits the trail with 30...
by Robert M. Utley | Dec 16, 2020 | Features & Gunfights
The Sioux Leader’s Final Flight to Freedom Sunday, June 25, 1876, was a clear, hot, sunny day in the valley of Montana’s Greasy Grass River, which the white man’s maps labeled the Little Bighorn. Six tribal circles of Lakotas and one of Northern Cheyennes, the...