by Thomas P. Nicholson | Jan 17, 2017 | Building Your Western Library, Western Books & Movies
U.S. Army Colonel Thom Nicholson and his wife retired to Highland Ranch, Colorado. He was born in Missouri and raised around Fort Smith, Arkansas. After obtaining a Nuclear Engineering degree from the Missouri School of Mines, he joined the U.S. Army and as a green...
by Meghan Saar | Jan 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
The flowing locks and broad brimmed hat as William F. Cody cantered up on his horse made him “[look] like a picture of a cavalier of olden times” when the 4th Earl of Dunraven first met the scout. A picture of that picturesque character earned the top bid at Cowan’s...
by Stuart Rosebrook | Dec 28, 2016 | Features & Gunfights
Millions of miles of interstates, highways, roads and dirt tracks crisscross the mountains, valleys, deserts and plains of the Western United States. Amtrak still delivers passengers across the West, and dozens of heritage railroads have preserved and restored...
by | Dec 21, 2016 | True West Blog
A little-known Christmas story is that of the time when the generous folks at Nogales, Arizona “adjusted” the Mexican border to accommodate some less-fortunate children in Nogales, Sonora. On December 25th, 1929 part of the U.S. border was moved two blocks north to...
by Stuart Rosebrook | Dec 9, 2016 | Western Books, Western Books & Movies
When historians review the year 2016 in publishing, will they discover themes in Western history and fiction that reflected the national turmoil and tumultuous political year that preceded the quadrennial contest for the White House? I would argue that today’s authors...