The Croquet Kid

The Croquet Kid

An earthquake hit the Old West field in the fall of 2015. And a staid, relatively genial and, for the most part, collegial area of study was dragged into the mud of modernity—because of a four-inch-by-five-inch piece of tin that may contain a picture of Billy the Kid....
Priceless Mormon Treasure

Priceless Mormon Treasure

Vicky Doolittle knew her great-aunt’s house in Mendon, Utah, contained an amazing secret. Yet when she tried to tell others in her family, they thought she was fibbing. “My cousin didn’t believe it. My husband is a builder, and he said, ‘No way.’ But my husband had to...
The 3X Brand

The 3X Brand

One of Arizona’s most enduring brands had its beginning back in 1885 when Fred Fritz Sr. settled along the Blue River, north of Clifton, and started a cow ranch. He was from the German settlement of Fredericksburg, Texas, spoke with a thick German accent and could...
Tom Ketchum and J.N. Powers

Tom Ketchum and J.N. Powers

It’s not clear why J.N. “Jap” Powers was murdered. Maybe he was a cattle thief. Or he was unpopular with his neighbors around Knickerbocker, TX. Or his wife wanted him out of the way to take up with someone else. Or a combination of those things. He was in his pasture...
Best of the West 2016: Art & Collectibles

Best of the West 2016: Art & Collectibles

“Now began the real work….Rawhide ‘riatas’ were taken down, and a man rode into the bunch swinging the loop round his head like clockwork. All at once he let it go, carelessly it seemed, so sudden was it; a quick turn or two round the horn of his Spanish saddle,...